David Estrada confesses to embezzling money invested by co-founders in EZeeBUY

Above photo courtesy of Threat.Technology
The EZeeFRAUD Team has obtained (via anonymous tip) an audio recording of David Estrada meeting with a lawyer hired by the co-founders of EZeeBUY. This meeting was to discuss a settlement, whereby Estrada would pay back the money he has stolen. During the meeting, Estrada admits that he used the money for other purposes – not for the purpose of building the EZeeBUY business.
During the conversation, Estrada tries to spin this crazy story that EZeeBUY used his JPotal KK company as the investment vehicle. This is true, as all of the co-founders wired their money to a JPortal KK bank account. But Estrada claims this same JPortal KK company was used for previous ventures – including ScanSoft, MPayMe, and Powa Technologies. He tries to claim that those previous ventures accrued debt, and the money invested by co-founders was used to pay down this debt (instead of using it for the EZeeBUY business).
This whole story is nonsense, and can easily be disproven. During their investigation of Estrada, the Japanese police determined that shortly after each EZeeBUY co-founder wired money to Estrada, he visited the bank branch and WITHDREW THE MONEY IN CASH. Who knows what he REALLY spent it on? It really doesn’t matter … he stole the money, and used it for his own personal spending.
Click on the audio file below to listen to Estrada’s confession, and his comical explanations about what he did with the money. Below the audio file is a transcript of the conversation (in English, with a running commentary in red), as well as transcripts of the conversation in Japanese, Russian, Chinese, and Spanish.
Recording Transcript (English)

Recording Transcript (Japanese)
Overview: The below content is a transcription of David Eric Estrada (aka David E. Estrada, David Estrada) CEO of EzeeBUY (aka EzeeBUY Experiences, EzeeRetail and NZO Technologies) as he describes in his own words how he stole money from EzeeBUY founders to pay off his personal debts, including travel and other personal items. Estrada also lied, saying a prior employer (Scansoft) used David’s Japan company for work, but actually Scansoft had their own KK so they never used Estrada’s KK. Moreover, they fired David. Estrada never “lost the deal with Scansoft”…he was fired. Moreover, Estrada tries to conflate his prior failed business ventures (Scansoft, MPayme, Powa, etc.) with JPortal; however Jportal had no direct relationship to these firms. They all had their own independent companies in Japan. | 概要:以下の内容は、EzeeBUY(別名:EzeeBUY Experiences、EzeeRetail、NZO Technologies)のCEOであるデビッド・エリック・エストラーダ(デビッド・E・エストラーダ、デビッド・エストラーダとも)が、旅行や金品などの個人的な借金を返済するために、EzeeBUYの創業者からお金を盗んだことを自分の言葉で語ったものです。エストラーダはまた、以前の雇用主(Scansoft)がデビッドの日本法人を仕事で使っていたと嘘をついていますが、実際にはScansoftは独自の株式会社を持っていたので、エストラーダの株式会社を使ったことはありません。しかも、彼らはデビッドを解雇しました。エストラーダは「Scansoftとの契約を失った」のではなく、「解雇された」のです。さらに、エストラーダは自分の失敗した事業(Scansoft、MPayme、Powaなど)をJPortalと混同しようとしていますが、Jportalはこれらの会社と直接の関係はありません。これらは皆、日本で独立した会社を持っていました。 | |
Estrada: | …”…the first company that I used this was with Scansoft. Because Scansoft did not have any legal registrations here in Japan so I could do contracting with this company. But I didn’t lose any money from Scansoft.” | …「…私が最初にこれを使った会社はScansoftでした。Scansoftは日本では法人登記をしていなかったので、この会社と契約することができたのです。しかし、私はScansoftのお金を失ったわけではありません」 |
Interviewer: | “But” | 「しかし」 |
Estrada: | “But I didn’t lose any money from Scansoft because they paid their bills.” | 「しかし、Scansoftは支払いをしたので、私はScansoftのお金を失いませんでした」 |
[Commentary]: | Estrada created a lie that he used JPortal KK to hold contracts on behalf of Scansoft. We checked with Scansoft, and this is not at all true. Scansoft had their own Japanese KK companies through which they did business. | エストラーダは、JPortal株式会社を使ってScansoftを代理して契約を結んだという嘘をつきました。 Scansoftに確認したところ、これは全く事実ではありません。Scansoftは独自の日本法人を持っていて、そこを通じてビジネスを行っていたのです。 |
Interviewer: | “I see… So was this company actually making some money?” | 「なるほど、ではこの会社は実際に利益を上げていたのでしょうか?」 |
Estrada: | “Yes” | 「はい」 |
Interviewer: | “But why did you have to shut this down?” | 「しかし、なぜこれを閉鎖しなければならなかったのですか?」 |
Estrada: | “Because I … I lost the deal with Scansoft.” | 「Scansoftとの取引に失敗したからです」 |
Interviewer: | You Lost…? I see… | 失敗した…? なるほど… |
[Commentary]: | Estrada never shut down JPortal KK when he left Scansoft. In fact, he was fired from Scansoft. Estrada is trying to spin a story that previous companies he worked for – Scansoft, MPayMe, Powa and Mozido – used his JPortal KK company to rack up bills, and those bills were never paid. So he had to use the money that co-founders invested in EZeeBUY to pay those previous bills. The only problem is NONE OF THIS IS TRUE. Those companies all had their own Japanese KK’s and never used Estrada’s company for anything.] | エストラーダは、Scansoftを辞めたときにJPortal株式会社を閉鎖したことはありません。 実際、彼はScansoftを解雇されています。 エストラーダは、Scansoft、MPayMe、Powa、Mozidoといった前職の会社が、JPortal株式会社を利用して請求書を発行し、その請求書が支払われなかったというストーリーを作ろうとしているのです。 そのため、共同設立者がEZeeBUYに投資した資金を、過去の請求書の支払いに充てなければならなかったのです。 問題は、これらのことが一切事実ではないということです。 それらの会社はすべて独自の日本法人を持っていて、エストラーダの会社を使ったことは一度もないのです。 |
Estrada: | We didn’t renew the contract. | 私たちは契約を更新しませんでした。 |
Interviewer: | “OK. So basically these 2 … 20 million Yen debt is nothing to do with JPortal KK right?” | 「それなら、この2000万円の負債は、JPortal株式会社とは関係ないんですね?」 |
Estrada: | “Has everything to do with them.” | 「関係ありますよ」 |
Interviewer: | “Why is that? Like, this is the Scansoft company that you were running… “ | 「それはなぜですか?あなたが経営していたScansoftなのに…」 |
Estrada: | “Correct” | その通りです |
Interviewer: | “… and you invested … [unintelligible] this 20 million Yen into …” | 「…あなたは投資したのです…[聞き取り不可]この2000万円を…」 |
Estrada: | “Paying the bills, right?” | 「請求書の支払いですね?」 |
Interviewer: | “Paying the bills for this company? Or …” | 「この会社の請求書の支払い?それとも…」 |
Estrada: | “Oh, no, no, no …” | 「ああ、いや、いや、いや…」 |
Interviewer: | “What happened then?” | 「それからどうなりました?」 |
Estrada: | “So … so think of it like this, right. So Powa Technologies … you know … this is when, when Alex asked me to open up the …” | 「ですから…ですから、こんな風に考えてみてください。つまり、Powa Technologiesは…ええと…この時、アレックスに立ち上げるよう頼まれて…」 |
Interviewer: | “Who is that, Alex?” | 「アレックスとは誰ですか?」 |
Estrada: | “Alex my boss. He was the founder of MPayMe. So when Alex asked me to start doing the business here in Japan, I said look you’re going to need a KK … no one is going to do any contracting. But I knew I had this one. I said if you’re OK, we can contract with JPortal Kabushki Gaisha. But I’m going to expense everything through this company and you reimburse me. And he agreed to that arrangement. OK? So once we signed up my first customer which was Costco Japan, then we’re going to set up Powa Technologies KK. But that … but that never happened … Powa went under.” | 「アレックスは私の上司です。 彼はMPayMeの創始者でした。 アレックスが私に日本でビジネスを始めて欲しいと言ったとき、私は株式会社が必要だと言いました…誰も契約をしてくれません。しかし、私にはこれがあると知っていました。 私はこう言いました。もしあなたがOKなら、JPortal株式会社と契約しましょう。しかし、私はこの会社を通じてすべての費用を負担しますので、あなたは私に返済してくださいと。 そして、彼はその取り決めに同意してくれました。 いいですか? それで、最初の顧客である日本コストコと契約した後、Powa Technologies株式会社を設立することになりました。 しかし、それは実現しませんでした…Powaは潰れてしまったのです」 |
[Commentary]: | [Estrada is lying. MPayMe set up it’s own Japanese KK companies, and used them for business. When Powa acquired MPayMe, it inherited those companies and used them going forward.] | [エストラーダは嘘をついています。 MPayMeは、独自で日本の株式会社を設立し、ビジネスに利用していました。 PowaがMPayMeを買収した際に、それらの会社を継承し、その後も利用していたのです] |
Interviewer: | “So you lost your money?” | 「それでお金を失ったのですか?」 |
Estrada: | “I lost everything. And then – wait, it get even worse – so then after Powa went under … so there was another company called Mozido … “ | 「全てを失いました。 そして、さらに悪いことに、Powaが倒産した後、Mozidoという別の会社があったのですが…」 |
[Commentary]: | Estrada didn’t lose any money when Powa went into administration. In fact, Estrada set up Powa’s Japanese bank accounts and those accounts were receiving fees from Costco Japan – a Powa Technologies client. When Powa went into administration, Estrada had signing authority for Powa’s Japanese bank accounts – he took the money that was in there for himself. About US $250,000 | Powaの経営破綻でエストラーダが損をしたわけではありません。 実際、エストラーダはPowaの日本の銀行口座を開設し、その口座にはPowa Technologiesの顧客である日本コストコからの手数料が入っていました。 Powaが経営破綻したとき、エストラーダはPowaの日本の銀行口座の署名権を持っており、そこにあったお金を自分のものにしたのです。 約25万米ドルを。 |
Interviewer: | “In which country?” | 「どの国ですか?」 |
Estrada: | “US. M-O-Z-I-D-O. Mozido. It’s an Austin, Texas based company right? And so, what Mozido and Powa Technologies were, they were both managed by Wellington Management … the investment arm. And so, Alex says “look hang tight, Mozido’s going to take over…” | 「米国です。 M-O-Z-I-D-O。 Mozido。 テキサス州のオースティンにある会社ですね。MozidoとPowa Technologiesは、投資部門であるウェリントン・マネジメントによって運営されていました。 アレックスは「Mozidoは買収するぞ」と言ったのですが…」 |
Interviewer: | “When you say Powa Technologies … [unintelligible]” | 「Powa Technologiesというと…[聞き取り不可]」 |
Estrada: | “I think if you look at the Wikipedia you can see the … how they lost the investment. Yeah, look at that – February 19th 2016 went into administration. OK?” | 「ウィキペディアを見れば、彼らがどのように投資を失ったかがわかると思います。 ええ、見てくださいよ、2016年2月19日に経営破綻しました。いいですか?」 |
Interviewer: | “But they’re still… “ | 「しかし彼らはまだ…」 |
Estrada: | “Oh no, they’re dead.” | 「いや、彼らは死んでいます」 |
Interviewer: | “Really?” | 「本当ですか?」 |
Estrada: | “Oh yeah, for sure. There’s all kinds of lawsuits around that.” | 「そうですね。それを巡って様々な訴訟があるのです」 |
Interviewer: | “Basically because of this incident you lost the money…” | 「基本的にこの事件のせいで あなたはお金を失ったのですね…」 |
Estrada: | “Correct” | 「その通りです」 |
[Commentary]: | Not correct. MPayMe, Powa, and Mozido have NOTHING to do with EZeeBUY or JPortal KK. Estrada is just trying to spin a story to justify why he embezzled the money that the 9 co-founders gave him. | 正しくありません。 MPayMe、Powa、Mozidoは、EZeeBUYやJPortal株式会社とは何の関係もありません。 エストラーダは、9人の共同設立者からもらったお金を横領したことを正当化するために、作り話をしようとしているだけです。 |
Interviewer: | …and then you started this company. | …そして、この会社を立ち上げた。 |
Estrada: | “Yep! ICO.” | 「そう! ICOです」 |
Interviewer: | “And … 9 people, they gave you the 2 million Yen each.” | 「そして…9人がそれぞれ200万円をあなたに渡した」 |
Estrada: | “Correct” | 「その通り」 |
Interviewer: | “And then you received those monies into the previous company’s account?” | 「そして、そのお金を前の会社の口座に受け取ったのですか?」 |
Estrada: | “Correct. Because this was not established yet, right? “ | 「その通りです。 これはまだ設立されていませんでしたからね」 |
Interviewer: | “Yeah, I know.” | 「ええ、そうですね」 |
[Commentary]: | Estrada actually tells the truth here. 9 co-founders invested 2 million Yen each into EZeeBUY, and wired their money to a JPortal KK bank account. What Estrada fails to mention – which the Japanese police discovered – is that shortly after each co-founder wired in his investment, Estrada visited the bank branch and withdrew the money IN CASH. | エストラーダはここで実際に真実を語っています。 9人の共同創業者は、それぞれ200万円ずつEZeeBUYに投資し、JPortal株式会社の銀行口座に送金しました。 エストラーダが言及していないのは、これは日本の警察が発見したことですが、各共同創業者が出資金を送金した直後に、エストラーダが銀行の支店を訪れ、現金でお金を引き出したということです。 |
Estrada: | “OK” | 「はい」 |
Interviewer: | “… and then you paid back these debts? “ | 「…その後、これらの負債を返済したのですか?」 |
Estrada: | “Correct” | 「その通りです」 |
Interviewer: | “By using that money?” | 「その金を使って?」 |
Estrada: | “Correct” | 「その通りです」 |
Interviewer: | “Did those people know that you were going to use… “ | 「その人たちは、あなたが使うことを知っていましたか…」 |
Estrada: | “No” | 「いいえ」 |
Interviewer: | Right. So that was the problem, right? Yeah. Did you tell that to the police? No? | そうですね。 それが問題だったんですよね。そうですね。 それを警察に話したのでしょうか? 話していないでしょう? |
[Commentary]: | There is NO EVIDENCE that Estrada used the money to pay previous debts of JPortal KK. In fact, we have no idea what he used the money for. The fact that he withdrew the money IN CASH from the bank would lead one to believe he also spent it in the form of cash. On what, we have NO idea.] | エストラーダがその金をJPortal株式会社の過去の負債の支払いに使ったという証拠は何もありません。 実際、彼がその金を何に使ったのかは不明です。 彼が銀行から現金でお金を引き出したという事実は、彼が現金の形で使ったことを意味します。 何に使ったのかはわからないのです。] |
Estrada: | “Yeah, of course. Through the translation.” | 「ええ、もちろんです。翻訳を通して」 |
Interviewer: | “You told the police that you were going to use this money for your own debt?” | 「警察には、このお金を自分の負債のために使うと言ったのですか?」 |
Estrada: | “You know, to be honest I think the police was more interested in, like … he kept repeating “is there a contract where you have to give the money back?” … and I’m like … and so the lady would translate, and I was like “what do you mean contract?” I said, “these are investors … technically there is no contract that says you have to give their money back.” But he kept repeating that. So I said “OK, OK … so I’ll call Sato-san and settle this” | 「正直に言うと、警察は別のことにもっと興味を持っていたと思います…彼は『お金を返さなければならない契約があるのか』と繰り返していました。 それで私は、女性が通訳してくれたのですが、『契約とはどういうことですか』と尋ねました。私は『この人たちは投資家ですから…厳密にはお金を返さなければならないという契約はないんです』と言いました。 しかし、彼はずっとそれを繰り返していたのです。 そこで私は、『わかりました…なら、佐藤さんに電話して、この件を解決しましょう』と言いました」 |
Interviewer: | “Ah, that’s what you told HIM?” | 「ええと、それは彼に言ったことなのですか?」 |
Estrada: | “Yes” | 「はい」 |
Interviewer: | “Oh, I see. Yeah, basically, that’s the problem. Like, if we go to court then that’s the main problem … what really matters. What you did with the money.” | 「ああ、なるほど。 基本的にはそれが問題なんです。 もし裁判になったら、それこそが一番の問題で、本当に大事なのは、あなたがお金をどうしたかです」 |
Estrada: | “M-hmmm … “ | 「うーん…」 |
Interviewer: | “… and how you explained to these people what you were going to do with the money.” | 「お金をどうするかを、彼らにどう説明したか」 |
Estrada: | “Of course.” | 「もちろん」 |
Interviewer: | “But it’s OK, it’s totally confidential … as long as we settle it’s OK.” | 「でも大丈夫です。完全に秘密ですから…私たちが解決すれば問題ありません」 |
Estrada: | “Yep!” | 「はい!」 |
Interviewer: | “OK … so, OK. You transferred the money to the US, didn’t you?” | 「よし…では、はい。 アメリカに送金したのでしょう?」 |
Estrada: | “Yes!” | 「はい!」 |
[Commentary]: | There is no evidence that Estrada transferred the money to the US. Remember, he withdrew the investments from the bank in cash. | エストラーダがお金をアメリカに送金したという証拠はありません。 思い出してください。彼は銀行から投資金を現金で引き出していたのです。 |
Interviewer: | “Right. Why is that? Like, was the debt you had to pay in the US?” | 「そうですね。 それはなぜですか? 例えば、あなたが払わなければならなかった借金は、アメリカにあったのですか?」 |
Estrada: | “US Credit Cards” | 「アメリカのクレジットカードです」 |
Interviewer: | “Oh … you had the pay the US Credit Cards?” | 「ああ……アメリカのクレジットカードを払わなければならなかったのですか?」 |
Estrada: | “Yes” | 「はい」 |
Interviewer: | “I see” | 「なるほど」 |
Estrada: | “And the police seized [sees?] all those transactions?” | 「そして、警察はそれらの取引をすべて押収した(見た?)のですか?」 |
Interviewer: | “I see … I see. And you never told this to any of your investors? That you were actually paying off your credit cards…?” | 「分かりました。そして、あなたはこのことを投資家の誰にも言わなかったのですか? 実際にはクレジットカードの支払いをしていたことを…?」 |
Estrada: | “No … No” | 「はい…はい」 |
[Commentary]: | Of course not! The investors believed their capital was being used to fund the operations of EZeeBUY! | もちろん、そんなことはありません。 投資家は、自分たちの資金がEZeeBUYの運営資金として使われていると思っていたのですから。 |
Interviewer: | “I see. These are your personal expenses?” | 「なるほど。これらはあなたの個人的な支出ですか?」 |
Estrada: | “Well, the thing is with modern technology, everything is done through credit cards, right?” | 「まあ、現代のテクノロジーでは、すべてがクレジットカードで行われているということですよね」 |
Interviewer: | “I know, yeah.” | 「そうですね、ええ」 |
Estrada: | “Yeah, so I don’t have corporate credit cards if that’s what your question is.” | 「ええ、聞かれる前に言いますが、法人用のクレジットカードは持っていません」 |
Interviewer: | “No, what did you use this money for? Like, you know, the credit card bills for what? Your daily expenses or… “ | 「いや、このお金は何に使ったのですか?例えば、クレジットカードの請求は何のためですか?日々の生活費とか…」 |
Estrada: | “Yeah, I mean just for travel … I mean, it’s almost unlimited right?” | 「ええ、旅行のためだけです…つまり、ほとんど無制限ですよね?」 |
[Commentary]: | “What does this even mean? Notice Estrada does not answer the question about what the credit cards bills were for. None of the expenses of EZeeBUY vendors/creditors were ever paid .. so the credit cards were certainly not used for EzeeBUY expenses.” | 「これは一体どういうことですか? エストラーダは、クレジットカードの請求が何に使われていたのかという質問に答えていないことに注目してください。 EZeeBUYのベンダーやクレジット会社の経費は一切支払われていません…ですから、クレジットカードがEzeeBUYの経費に使われていないのは確かです」 |
Interviewer: | “I see. So at the time you were not using the money for this actual new company right?” | 「なるほど。 その時は、この実際の新会社のためにお金を使っていなかったのですね?」 |
Estrada: | “No … no.” | 「はい…はい」 |
[Commentary]: | This is Estrada’s confession. He admits that he did not use the money invested in EZeeBUY by the 9 co-founders for the company. Instead, he claims he transferred that money to the US, and paid his credit cards. There is no evidence this is true – we have no idea what he actually used the money for. | これがエストラーダの自白です。 彼は、9人の共同創業者がEZeeBUYに投資した資金を会社のために使わなかったことを認めています。 その代わりに、彼はそのお金をアメリカに送金し、クレジットカードで支払ったと主張しています。 これが事実であるという証拠はありません。彼が実際にそのお金を何に使ったのか見当もつきません。 |
Interviewer: | “I see” | 「なるほど」 |
Estrada: | “I was paying down debt so I could CONTINUE operating this company, right?” | 「この会社を続けるために負債を返していたのですよ」 |
Interviewer: | “But everyone, especially my clients were thinking that you either saved the money that investors paid, or you were using it for the company – that’s what they believed. So they … I think they repeatedly asked you to prove or provide some kind of financial document about the company, right?” | 「しかし、みんなが、特に私のクライアントは、投資家が支払ったお金をあなたが貯めているか、会社のために使っているかのどちらかだと思っていました。それが彼らの考えでした。 ですから、彼らは…確か、会社の財務状況を証明するか、何らかの資料を提出するよう、何度も要求してきたんですよね?」 |
Estrada: | “Right” | 「そうです」 |
Interviewer: | “But you didn’t?” | 「でも、あなたはそうしなかった?」 |
Estrada: | “I did not, because they … they wanted the financials for the previous KK” | 「私はしませんでした、なぜなら彼らは…前の株式会社の財務状況を知りたがっていたからです」 |
[Commentary]: | All the co-founders wanted to know was: (1) What was the money they provided used for? (2) How much of the money is left? (3) Where is the money located? Estrada never answered any of these simple questions. | 共同創業者たちが知りたかったのは:(1)提供したお金は何に使われたのか? (2)そのお金はどれくらい残っているのか? (3)そのお金はどこにあるのか? これらの素朴な疑問に、エストラーダは一切答えませんでした。 |
Interviewer: | “No, they also wanted the new ones” | 「いえ、彼らも新しい会社を欲しがっていました」 |
Estrada: | “But there was nothing here yet.” | 「しかし、ここにはまだ何もありませんでした」 |
Interviewer: | “So nothing was going on?” | 「何もなかったのですか?」 |
Estrada: | “No, unfortunately because the ICO did not launch” | 「ええ、残念ながら。ICOは開始されなかったのです」 |
Interviewer: | “Oh, I see” | 「そうだったのですか」 |
[Commentary]: | Let’s be clear: Co-founders invested 18 million Yen (plus expenses) into EZeeBUY. Estrada spent that money on something other than company business. Estrada admits this later in the conversation. The ICO was to raise FURTHER funding for the company, and that fact that it failed has NOTHING TO DO with the issue at hand. Just Estrada trying to confuse the facts. | はっきりさせておきたいのは、共同創業者たちはEZeeBUYに1800万円(+経費)を投資したということです。 エストラーダはそのお金を会社の業務以外に使ってしまったのです。エストラーダは会話の後半でこれを認めています。 ICOは、会社のためにさらなる資金を調達しようとしていましたが、それが失敗したという事実は、この問題とは何の関係もありません。 エストラーダは事実を混乱させようとしているだけです。 |
Estrada: | “Right?” | 「でしょう?」 |
Interviewer: | “So those are the explanations? Those honest explanations … that’s what they needed at the beginning, I think.” | 「それが説明なのですか?これらの誠実な説明…彼らにはそれが最初に必要だったのだと思いますよ」 |
Recording Transcript (Russian)
Original | Russian | Russian | |
Overview | Overview: The below content is a transcription of David Eric Estrada (aka David E. Estrada, David Estrada) CEO of EzeeBUY (aka EzeeBUY Experiences, EzeeRetail and NZO Technologies) as he describes in his own words how he stole money from EzeeBUY founders to pay off his personal debts, including travel and other personal items. Estrada also lied, saying a prior employer (Scansoft) used David’s Japan company for work, but actually Scansoft had their own KK so they never used Estrada’s KK. Moreover, they fired David. Estrada never “lost the deal with Scansoft”…he was fired. Moreover, Estrada tries to conflate his prior failed business ventures (Scansoft, MPayme, Powa, etc.) with JPortal; however Jportal had no direct relationship to these firms. They all had their own independent companies in Japan. | Обзор: | Обзор: Приведенный ниже контент является транскрипцией Дэвида Эрика Эстрада (известного также как Дэвид Е. Эстрада, Дэвид Эстрада), генерального директора компании EzeeBUY (известной также как EzeeBUY Experiences, EzeeRetail и NZO Technologies), описывающего своими словами, как он украл деньги у основателей EzeeBUY, чтобы выплатить свои личные долги, включая задолженность за поездки и другие личные расходы. Эстрада также солгал, сказав, что один из его предыдущих работодателей (Scansoft) использовал для работы японскую компанию Дэвида, но на самом деле у Scansoft был свой собственный KK, поэтому они не использовали KK Эстрада. Более того, они уволили Давида. Эстрада не «провалил сделку со Scansoft»… его уволили. Кроме того, Эстрада пытается связать свои предыдущие неудачные бизнес-проекты (Scansoft, MPayme, Powa и т. д.) с JPortal, однако JPortal не имел прямого отношения к этим компаниям. У них у всех были свои независимые компании в Японии. |
Estrada: | …”…the first company that I used this was with Scansoft. Because Scansoft did not have any legal registrations here in Japan so I could do contracting with this company. But I didn’t lose any money from Scansoft.” | Эстрада: | …«…Первая компания, с которой я это использовал, была Scansoft. Поскольку Scansoft не была юридически зарегистрирована здесь, в Японии, я мог заключить договор с этой компанией. Но я не терял денег с Scansoft». |
Interviewer: | “But” | Интервьюер: | «Но» |
Estrada: | “But I didn’t lose any money from Scansoft because they paid their bills.” | Эстрада: | «Но я не терял денег с Scansoft, потому что они платили по счетам». |
[Commentary]: | Estrada created a lie that he used JPortal KK to hold contracts on behalf of Scansoft. We checked with Scansoft, and this is not at all true. Scansoft had their own Japanese KK companies through which they did business. | [Комментарий]: | Эстрада солгал, что использовал JPortal KK для заключения контрактов от имени Scansoft. Мы поинтересовались в Scansoft и выяснили, что это совсем не так. У Scansoft были свои японские компании KK, через которые они вели бизнес. |
Interviewer: | “I see… So was this company actually making some money?” | Интервьюер: | «Понятно… Так эта компания действительно была прибыльной?» |
Estrada: | “Yes” | Эстрада: | «Да» |
Interviewer: | “But why did you have to shut this down?” | Интервьюер: | А почему вам пришлось ее закрыть? |
Estrada: | “Because I … I lost the deal with Scansoft.” | Эстрада: | «Потому что я… я провалил сделку со Scansoft». |
Interviewer: | You Lost…? I see… | Интервьюер: | Вы провалили…? Понимаю… |
[Commentary]: | Estrada never shut down JPortal KK when he left Scansoft. In fact, he was fired from Scansoft. Estrada is trying to spin a story that previous companies he worked for – Scansoft, MPayMe, Powa and Mozido – used his JPortal KK company to rack up bills, and those bills were never paid. So he had to use the money that co-founders invested in EZeeBUY to pay those previous bills. The only problem is NONE OF THIS IS TRUE. Those companies all had their own Japanese KK’s and never used Estrada’s company for anything.] | [Комментарий]: | Эстрада не закрывал JPortal KK, когда вышел из Scansoft. В действительности его уволили из Scansoft. Эстрада пытается создать впечатление, что предыдущие компании, в которых он работал, – Scansoft, MPayMe, Powa и Mozido – использовали его компанию JPortal KK для фабрикации счетов, и эти счета так и не были оплачены. Поэтому ему пришлось использовать деньги, вложенные соучредителями в EZeeBUY, для оплаты прежних счетов. Единственная проблема в том, что В ЭТОМ НЕТ НИ ДОЛИ ПРАВДЫ. У всех этих компаний были свои японские KK, и они никогда не использовали компанию Эстрада для чего-бы то ни было. |
Estrada: | We didn’t renew the contract. | Эстрада: | Мы не продлили контракт. |
Interviewer: | “OK. So basically these 2 … 20 million Yen debt is nothing to do with JPortal KK right?” | Интервьюер: | «Ладно. Значит, эти 2… 20 миллионов иен долга не имеют ничего общего с JPortal KK, верно?» |
Estrada: | “Has everything to do with them.” | Эстрада: | «Полностью связаны с ними». |
Interviewer: | “Why is that? Like, this is the Scansoft company that you were running… “ | Интервьюер: | “Как так? Например, это компания Scansoft, которой вы руководили …” |
Estrada: | “Correct” | Эстрада: | «Верно» |
Interviewer: | “… and you invested … [unintelligible] this 20 million Yen into …” | Интервьюер: | «…И вы вложили… [неразборчиво] эти 20 миллионов йен в…» |
Estrada: | “Paying the bills, right?” | Эстрада: | «Оплату счетов, так?» |
Interviewer: | “Paying the bills for this company? Or …” | Интервьюер: | «Оплату счетов этой компании? Или…» |
Estrada: | “Oh, no, no, no …” | Эстрада: | «О, нет, нет, нет…» |
Interviewer: | “What happened then?” | Интервьюер: | «Тогда как было дело?» |
Estrada: | “So … so think of it like this, right. So Powa Technologies … you know … this is when, when Alex asked me to open up the …” | Эстрада: | «В общем… вот как надо это понимать. В общем, Powa Technologies… ну, знаете… это когда Алекс попросил меня открыть…» |
Interviewer: | “Who is that, Alex?” | Интервьюер: | «Кто это, Алекс?» |
Estrada: | “Alex my boss. He was the founder of MPayMe. So when Alex asked me to start doing the business here in Japan, I said look you’re going to need a KK … no one is going to do any contracting. But I knew I had this one. I said if you’re OK, we can contract with JPortal Kabushki Gaisha. But I’m going to expense everything through this company and you reimburse me. And he agreed to that arrangement. OK? So once we signed up my first customer which was Costco Japan, then we’re going to set up Powa Technologies KK. But that … but that never happened … Powa went under.” | Эстрада: | «Алекс, мой начальник. Он был основателем MPayMe. Так вот, когда Алекс попросил меня начать заниматься бизнесом здесь, в Японии, я сказал, что ему понадобится KK… никто не будет заключать никаких контрактов. Но я знал, что у меня был вот этот. Я сказал, что если он не против, мы можем заключить контракт с JPortal Kabushki Gaisha. Но я буду все списывать через эту компанию, а он возместит мои затраты. И он согласился на эту схему. Ясно? Так что, подписав договор с моим первым клиентом, которым была Costco Japan, мы собирались открыть Powa Technologies KK. Но это… но этого не произошло… Powa разорилась». |
[Commentary]: | [Estrada is lying. MPayMe set up it’s own Japanese KK companies, and used them for business. When Powa acquired MPayMe, it inherited those companies and used them going forward.] | [Комментарий]: | [Эстрада лжет. MPayMe создала собственные японские компании KK и использовала их для бизнеса. Когда Powa приобрела MPayMe, она унаследовала эти компании и использовала их в будущем.] |
Interviewer: | “So you lost your money?” | Интервьюер: | «Значит вы потеряли свои деньги?» |
Estrada: | “I lost everything. And then – wait, it get even worse – so then after Powa went under … so there was another company called Mozido … “ | Эстрада: | «Я потерял все. А потом – погодите, становится еще хуже – после того, как Powa разорилась… была еще одна компания под названием Mozido…» |
[Commentary]: | Estrada didn’t lose any money when Powa went into administration. In fact, Estrada set up Powa’s Japanese bank accounts and those accounts were receiving fees from Costco Japan – a Powa Technologies client. When Powa went into administration, Estrada had signing authority for Powa’s Japanese bank accounts – he took the money that was in there for himself. About US $250,000 | [Комментарий]: | Эстрада не терял никаких денег, когда Powa обанкротилась. На самом деле Estrada открыл счета Powa в японских банках, и на эти счета поступали выплаты от Costco Japan, клиента Powa Technologies. Когда Powa обанкротилась, Эстрада имел право подписи по счетам Powa в японских банках – он присвоил находящиеся там деньги. Около 250 000 долларов США. |
Interviewer: | “In which country?” | Интервьюер: | «В какой стране?» |
Estrada: | “US. M-O-Z-I-D-O. Mozido. It’s an Austin, Texas based company right? And so, what Mozido and Powa Technologies were, they were both managed by Wellington Management … the investment arm. And so, Alex says “look hang tight, Mozido’s going to take over…” | Эстрада: | «США. M-O-Z-I-D-O. Mozido. Это компания, находящаяся в городе Остин штата Техас, так? Ну вот, эти две компании, Mozido и Powa Technologies, они обе управлялись Wellington Management… инвестиционным отделом. Так вот, Алекс говорит: «Послушай, держись, управление перейдет к Mozido… » |
Interviewer: | “When you say Powa Technologies … [unintelligible]” | Интервьюер: | «Когда вы говорите Powa Technologies… [неразборчиво]» |
Estrada: | “I think if you look at the Wikipedia you can see the … how they lost the investment. Yeah, look at that – February 19th 2016 went into administration. OK?” | Эстрада: | «Думаю, если посмотреть в Википедии, можно увидеть… как они потеряли инвестиции. Да, только посмотрите – 19 февраля 2016 года объявлено банкротство. Ладно?» |
Interviewer: | “But they’re still… “ | Интервьюер: | Но они все еще … |
Estrada: | “Oh no, they’re dead.” | Эстрада: | «О нет, они мертвы». |
Interviewer: | “Really?” | Интервьюер: | «Правда?» |
Estrada: | “Oh yeah, for sure. There’s all kinds of lawsuits around that.” | Эстрада: | «Да, точно. По этому поводу поданы всевозможные судебные иски». |
Interviewer: | “Basically because of this incident you lost the money…” | Интервьюер: | «В принципе, из-за этого инцидента вы потеряли деньги…» |
Estrada: | “Correct” | Эстрада: | «Верно» |
[Commentary]: | Not correct. MPayMe, Powa, and Mozido have NOTHING to do with EZeeBUY or JPortal KK. Estrada is just trying to spin a story to justify why he embezzled the money that the 9 co-founders gave him. | [Комментарий]: | Неверно. MPayMe, Powa и Mozido не имеют НИЧЕГО общего с EZeeBUY и JPortal KK. Эстрада просто пытается сфабриковать историю, чтобы оправдаться в том, что присвоил деньги, которые ему дали девять соучредителей. |
Interviewer: | …and then you started this company. | Интервьюер: | …А затем вы основали эту компанию. |
Estrada: | “Yep! ICO.” | Эстрада: | «Ага! ICO». |
Interviewer: | “And … 9 people, they gave you the 2 million Yen each.” | Интервьюер: | «И… 9 человек, каждый из них дал вам по 2 миллиона иен». |
Estrada: | “Correct” | Эстрада: | «Верно» |
Interviewer: | “And then you received those monies into the previous company’s account?” | Интервьюер: | «А потом вы получили эти деньги на счет предыдущей компании?» |
Estrada: | “Correct. Because this was not established yet, right? “ | Эстрада: | «Верно. Ведь эта компания еще не была зарегистрирована, так?» |
Interviewer: | “Yeah, I know.” | Интервьюер: | «Да, я знаю.» |
[Commentary]: | Estrada actually tells the truth here. 9 co-founders invested 2 million Yen each into EZeeBUY, and wired their money to a JPortal KK bank account. What Estrada fails to mention – which the Japanese police discovered – is that shortly after each co-founder wired in his investment, Estrada visited the bank branch and withdrew the money IN CASH. | [Комментарий]: | Здесь Эстрада действительно говорит правду. Каждый из 9 соучредителей вложил по 2 миллиона йен в EZeeBUY и перевел свои деньги на банковский счет JPortal KK. О чем Эстрада умалчивает и что обнаружила японская полиция, – это то, что вскоре после перечисления всеми соучредителями их инвестиций, Эстрада посетил отделение банка и снял деньги НАЛИЧНЫМИ. |
Estrada: | “OK” | Эстрада: | «Ладно» |
Interviewer: | “… and then you paid back these debts? “ | Интервьюер: | «…а потом вы выплатили эти долги?» |
Estrada: | “Correct” | Эстрада: | «Верно» |
Interviewer: | “By using that money?” | Интервьюер: | «Этими деньгами» |
Estrada: | “Correct” | Эстрада: | «Верно» |
Interviewer: | “Did those people know that you were going to use… “ | Интервьюер: | «Эти люди знали, что вы собираетесь использовать…» |
Estrada: | “No” | Эстрада: | «Нет» |
Interviewer: | Right. So that was the problem, right? Yeah. Did you tell that to the police? No? | Интервьюер: | Так. Проблема в этом, так? Да. Вы рассказали об этом полиции? Нет? |
[Commentary]: | There is NO EVIDENCE that Estrada used the money to pay previous debts of JPortal KK. In fact, we have no idea what he used the money for. The fact that he withdrew the money IN CASH from the bank would lead one to believe he also spent it in the form of cash. On what, we have NO idea.] | [Комментарий]: | Нет НИКАКИХ доказательств того, что Эстрада использовал деньги для выплаты прежних долгов JPortal KK. На самом деле мы понятия не имеем, на что он потратил деньги. Тот факт, что он снял деньги НАЛИЧНЫМИ из банка, наводит на мысль, что он и потратил наличные. На что, мы понятия НЕ имеем. |
Estrada: | “Yeah, of course. Through the translation.” | Эстрада: | «Да, конечно. Через перевод». |
Interviewer: | “You told the police that you were going to use this money for your own debt?” | Интервьюер: | «Вы сказали полиции, что собираетесь использовать эти деньги для выплаты своего личного долга?» |
Estrada: | “You know, to be honest I think the police was more interested in, like … he kept repeating “is there a contract where you have to give the money back?” … and I’m like … and so the lady would translate, and I was like “what do you mean contract?” I said, “these are investors … technically there is no contract that says you have to give their money back.” But he kept repeating that. So I said “OK, OK … so I’ll call Sato-san and settle this” | Эстрада: | «Знаете, если честно, мне кажется, что полиции было интереснее, ну… он все время повторял: «Есть договор, по которому вы должны вернуть деньги?»… а я говорю… и женщина переводила, а я спросил: “Что вы имеете в виду под контрактом?” Я сказал: «Это инвесторы… по идее нет контракта, согласно которому эти деньги надо вернуть». Но он продолжал это повторять. Ну я и сказал: «Ладно, ладно… я позвоню Сато-сан и улажу это». |
Interviewer: | “Ah, that’s what you told HIM?” | Интервьюер: | «А, вы так сказали ЕМУ?» |
Estrada: | “Yes” | Эстрада: | «Да» |
Interviewer: | “Oh, I see. Yeah, basically, that’s the problem. Like, if we go to court then that’s the main problem … what really matters. What you did with the money.” | Интервьюер: | «О, понимаю. Да, в принципе, в этом и проблема. Ну если мы обратимся в суд, в этом будет главная проблема… что действительно важно. Что вы сделали с деньгами». |
Estrada: | “M-hmmm … “ | Эстрада: | Мммм… |
Interviewer: | “… and how you explained to these people what you were going to do with the money.” | Интервьюер: | «…и как вы объяснили этим людям, что собираетесь делать с деньгами». |
Estrada: | “Of course.” | Эстрада: | «Конечно.» |
Interviewer: | “But it’s OK, it’s totally confidential … as long as we settle it’s OK.” | Интервьюер: | «Но ничего, это полностью конфиденциально… если мы договоримся, то все нормально». |
Estrada: | “Yep!” | Эстрада: | «Да!» |
Interviewer: | “OK … so, OK. You transferred the money to the US, didn’t you?” | Интервьюер: | «Ладно… ну, ладно. Вы перевели деньги в США, не так ли?» |
Estrada: | “Yes!” | Эстрада: | «Да!» |
[Commentary]: | There is no evidence that Estrada transferred the money to the US. Remember, he withdrew the investments from the bank in cash. | [Комментарий]: | Нет никаких доказательств того, что Эстрада перевел деньги в США. Напомним, что он снял инвестиции из банка наличными. |
Interviewer: | “Right. Why is that? Like, was the debt you had to pay in the US?” | Интервьюер: | «Верно. Почему? Мол, тебе пришлось заплатить долг в США?» |
Estrada: | “US Credit Cards” | Эстрада: | «Кредитные карты США» |
Interviewer: | “Oh … you had the pay the US Credit Cards?” | Интервьюер: | «О… вам надо было выплатить задолженность по кредитным картам США?» |
Estrada: | “Yes” | Эстрада: | «Да!» |
Interviewer: | “I see” | Интервьюер: | «Понимаю» |
Estrada: | “And the police seized [sees?] all those transactions?” | Эстрада: | «И полиция заморозила [видит?] все эти переводы?» |
Interviewer: | “I see … I see. And you never told this to any of your investors? That you were actually paying off your credit cards…?” | Интервьюер: | «Ясно… Ясно. И вы никогда не рассказывали об этом никому из своих инвесторов? Что вы на самом деле платили долги по своим кредитным картам…?» |
Estrada: | “No … No” | Эстрада: | «Нет… Нет» |
[Commentary]: | Of course not! The investors believed their capital was being used to fund the operations of EZeeBUY! | [Комментарий]: | Конечно, нет! Инвесторы думали, что их капитал использовался для финансирования деятельности EZeeBUY! |
Interviewer: | “I see. These are your personal expenses?” | Интервьюер: | «Понятно. Это ваши личные расходы?» |
Estrada: | “Well, the thing is with modern technology, everything is done through credit cards, right?” | Эстрада: | «Ну, дело в том, что при современных технологиях все делается с помощью кредитных карт, верно?» |
Interviewer: | “I know, yeah.” | Интервьюер: | «Знаю, да». |
Estrada: | “Yeah, so I don’t have corporate credit cards if that’s what your question is.” | Эстрада: | «Да, так вот, у меня нет корпоративных кредитных карт, если ваш вопрос об этом». |
Interviewer: | “No, what did you use this money for? Like, you know, the credit card bills for what? Your daily expenses or… “ | Интервьюер: | «Нет, на что вы потратили эти деньги? Ну, например, не знаю, на оплату счетов по кредитным картам, появившихся в результате расходов на что? Это ваши ежедневные расходы или…» |
Estrada: | “Yeah, I mean just for travel … I mean, it’s almost unlimited right?” | Эстрада: | «Да, ну, в общем, просто на поездки… То есть, на это почти нет ограничений, верно?» |
[Commentary]: | “What does this even mean? Notice Estrada does not answer the question about what the credit cards bills were for. None of the expenses of EZeeBUY vendors/creditors were ever paid .. so the credit cards were certainly not used for EzeeBUY expenses.” | [Комментарий]: | «Что это вообще значит? Заметьте, что Estrada не отвечает на вопрос о том, откуда взялись счета по кредитным картам. Поставщики/кредиторы EZeeBUY не получили ни копейки… так что кредитные карты точно не использовались для покрытия расходов EzeeBUY». |
Interviewer: | “I see. So at the time you were not using the money for this actual new company right?” | Интервьюер: | «Понятно. Значит, тогда вы не тратили деньги на эту новую компанию, так?» |
Estrada: | “No … no.” | Эстрада: | «Нет… Нет» |
[Commentary]: | This is Estrada’s confession. He admits that he did not use the money invested in EZeeBUY by the 9 co-founders for the company. Instead, he claims he transferred that money to the US, and paid his credit cards. There is no evidence this is true – we have no idea what he actually used the money for. | [Комментарий]: | Это признание Эстрады. Он признает, что не использовал деньги, вложенные в EZeeBUY 9 соучредителями, на нужды компании. Он утверждает, что вместо этого перевел эти деньги в США и оплатил счета по своим кредитным картам. Нет никаких доказательств того, что это правда – мы понятия не имеем, на что он на самом деле потратил деньги. |
Interviewer: | “I see” | Интервьюер: | «Понимаю» |
Estrada: | “I was paying down debt so I could CONTINUE operating this company, right?” | Эстрада: | «Я выплачивал долг, чтобы иметь возможность ПРОДОЛЖАТЬ организацию деятельности этой компании, так?» |
Interviewer: | “But everyone, especially my clients were thinking that you either saved the money that investors paid, or you were using it for the company – that’s what they believed. So they … I think they repeatedly asked you to prove or provide some kind of financial document about the company, right?” | Интервьюер: | «Но все, особенно мои клиенты, думали, что вы либо отложили деньги, выплаченные инвесторами, либо использовали их на нужды компании – вот что они думали. Так что они… кажется, они неоднократно просили вас доказать или предоставить какой-нибудь финансовый документ о компании, верно? |
Estrada: | “Right” | Эстрада: | «Верно» |
Interviewer: | “But you didn’t?” | Интервьюер: | «Но вы этого не сделали?» |
Estrada: | “I did not, because they … they wanted the financials for the previous KK” | Эстрада: | «Я этого не сделал, потому что они… они хотели получить финансовую отчетность предыдущей KK». |
[Commentary]: | All the co-founders wanted to know was: (1) What was the money they provided used for? (2) How much of the money is left? (3) Where is the money located? Estrada never answered any of these simple questions. | [Комментарий]: | Все, что хотели знать соучредители, это: (1) На что были потрачены ими вложенные деньги? (2) Сколько денег осталось? (3) Где находятся деньги? Эстрада так и не ответил ни на один из этих простых вопросов. |
Interviewer: | “No, they also wanted the new ones” | Интервьюер: | «Нет, они хотели и новые» |
Estrada: | “But there was nothing here yet.” | Эстрада: | «Но здесь еще ничего не было». |
Interviewer: | “So nothing was going on?” | Интервьюер: | «И ничего не происходило?» |
Estrada: | “No, unfortunately because the ICO did not launch” | Эстрада: | «К сожалению, нет, потому что ICO не было успешным» |
Interviewer: | “Oh, I see” | Интервьюер: | «О, ясно». |
[Commentary]: | Let’s be clear: Co-founders invested 18 million Yen (plus expenses) into EZeeBUY. Estrada spent that money on something other than company business. Estrada admits this later in the conversation. The ICO was to raise FURTHER funding for the company, and that fact that it failed has NOTHING TO DO with the issue at hand. Just Estrada trying to confuse the facts. | [Комментарий]: | Давайте внесем ясность: соучредители вложили 18 миллионов йен (плюс расходы) в EZeeBUY. Эстрада потратил эти деньги не на бизнес компании. Эстрада признает это далее в разговоре. Целью ICO было привлечение ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНОГО финансирование для компании, и тот факт, что ICO не было успешным, не имеет НИЧЕГО ОБЩЕГО с данной проблемой. Эстрада пытается просто запутать факты. |
Estrada: | “Right?” | Эстрада: | «Верно?» |
Interviewer: | “So those are the explanations? Those honest explanations … that’s what they needed at the beginning, I think.” | Интервьюер: | «Таковы объяснения? Эти честные объяснения… я думаю, это то, что им нужно было вначале». |
Recording Transript (Chinese)
Original | CN | ||
Overview: The below content is a transcription of David Eric Estrada (aka David E. Estrada, David Estrada) CEO of EzeeBUY (aka EzeeBUY Experiences, EzeeRetail and NZO Technologies) as he describes in his own words how he stole money from EzeeBUY founders to pay off his personal debts, including travel and other personal items. Estrada also lied, saying a prior employer (Scansoft) used David’s Japan company for work, but actually Scansoft had their own KK so they never used Estrada’s KK. Moreover, they fired David. Estrada never “lost the deal with Scansoft”…he was fired. Moreover, Estrada tries to conflate his prior failed business ventures (Scansoft, MPayme, Powa, etc.) with JPortal; however Jportal had no direct relationship to these firms. They all had their own independent companies in Japan. | 概述:以下内容是 EzeeBUY(又名 EzeeBUY Experiences、EzeeRetail 及 NZO Technologies)首席执行官 David Eric Estrada(又名 David E. Estrada,David Estrada)的谈话文本,他用自己的话讲述了他如何从 EzeeBUY 创始人那里窃取资金用于偿还他的个人债务,包括了旅行和其他个人花销。 Estrada 同时还撒谎,说以前的雇主(Scansoft)使用他的日本公司进行业务,但实际上 Scansoft 有自己的 KK,所以他们从未使用 Estrada 的 KK。 此外,他们解雇了 Estrada 。 Estrada 从未“丢掉了与 Scansoft 的业务”……他是被解雇了。此外,Estrada 试图将他之前失败的创业(Scansoft、MPayme、Powa 等)与 JPortal 混为一谈;然而 Jportal 与这些公司没有直接关系。他们在日本都有自己的独立公司。 | ||
Estrada: | …”…the first company that I used this was with Scansoft. Because Scansoft did not have any legal registrations here in Japan so I could do contracting with this company. But I didn’t lose any money from Scansoft.” | Estrada: | ……“……我将这用于的第一家公司是 Scansoft。因为 Scansoft 在日本没有任何合法注册,所以我可以与这家公司签约。但 Scansoft 并没有给我带来任何损失。 |
Interviewer: | “But” | 采访人: | “但是” |
Estrada: | “But I didn’t lose any money from Scansoft because they paid their bills.” | Estrada: | “但是我并没有从 Scansoft 那里亏钱,因为他们付了账单。” |
[Commentary]: | Estrada created a lie that he used JPortal KK to hold contracts on behalf of Scansoft. We checked with Scansoft, and this is not at all true. Scansoft had their own Japanese KK companies through which they did business. | [评注]: | Estrada 谎称他使用 JPortal KK 代表 Scansoft 持有合同。我们检查了 Scansoft,这完全不是真的。Scansoft 拥有自己的日本 KK 公司,并通过这些公司开展业务。 |
Interviewer: | “I see… So was this company actually making some money?” | 采访人: | “我明白了……这家公司真的赚钱了吗?” |
Estrada: | “Yes” | Estrada: | “是的” |
Interviewer: | “But why did you have to shut this down?” | 采访人: | “但你为什么要关闭它?” |
Estrada: | “Because I … I lost the deal with Scansoft.” | Estrada: | “因为我……我丢掉了与 Scansoft 的业务。” |
Interviewer: | You Lost…? I see… | 采访人: | 你丢掉了…?我懂了… |
[Commentary]: | Estrada never shut down JPortal KK when he left Scansoft. In fact, he was fired from Scansoft. Estrada is trying to spin a story that previous companies he worked for – Scansoft, MPayMe, Powa and Mozido – used his JPortal KK company to rack up bills, and those bills were never paid. So he had to use the money that co-founders invested in EZeeBUY to pay those previous bills. The only problem is NONE OF THIS IS TRUE. Those companies all had their own Japanese KK’s and never used Estrada’s company for anything.] | a | Estrada 在离开 Scansoft 时并没有关闭 JPortal KK。事实上,他是被 Scansoft 解雇的。Estrada 试图编造故事,即他之前工作过的公司——Scansoft、MPayMe、Powa 和 Mozido——利用他的 JPortal KK 公司来积累账单,但这些账单从未被支付过。所以他不得不用联合创始人在 EZeeBUY 上投资的钱来支付之前的账单。唯一的问题是这些都不是真的。这些公司都有自己的日本 KK,从来没有使用 Estrada 的公司做过任何事情。] |
Estrada: | We didn’t renew the contract. | Estrada: | 我们没有续签合同。 |
Interviewer: | “OK. So basically these 2 … 20 million Yen debt is nothing to do with JPortal KK right?” | 采访人: | “好吧。所以基本上,这些 2 …… 2000 万日元的债务与 JPortal KK 无关,对吧?” |
Estrada: | “Has everything to do with them.” | Estrada: | “跟他们有关系。” |
Interviewer: | “Why is that? Like, this is the Scansoft company that you were running… “ | 采访人: | “这是为什么?就像,这就是你经营的 Scansoft 公司……” |
Estrada: | “Correct” | Estrada: | “正确的” |
Interviewer: | “… and you invested … [unintelligible] this 20 million Yen into …” | 采访人: | “……然后你把……[无法理解]这 2000 万日元用来……” |
Estrada: | “Paying the bills, right?” | Estrada: | “支付账单,对吧?” |
Interviewer: | “Paying the bills for this company? Or …” | 采访人: | “为这家公司支付账单?或者……” |
Estrada: | “Oh, no, no, no …” | Estrada: | “哦,不,不,不……” |
Interviewer: | “What happened then?” | 采访人: | “后来怎么了?” |
Estrada: | “So … so think of it like this, right. So Powa Technologies … you know … this is when, when Alex asked me to open up the …” | Estrada: | “所以……这样想吧,对吧。Powa Technologies……你知道……这是当,当Alex让我打开……” |
Interviewer: | “Who is that, Alex?” | 采访人: | “Alex 是谁?” |
Estrada: | “Alex my boss. He was the founder of MPayMe. So when Alex asked me to start doing the business here in Japan, I said look you’re going to need a KK … no one is going to do any contracting. But I knew I had this one. I said if you’re OK, we can contract with JPortal Kabushki Gaisha. But I’m going to expense everything through this company and you reimburse me. And he agreed to that arrangement. OK? So once we signed up my first customer which was Costco Japan, then we’re going to set up Powa Technologies KK. But that … but that never happened … Powa went under.” | Estrada: | “Alex 我的老板。他是 MPayMe 的创始人。所以当 Alex 让我开始在日本做生意时,我说你需要一个 KK ……没有人会去签任何合同。但我知道我有这个机会。我说如果你没事,我们可以和 JPortal Kabushki Gaisha 签约。但我会通过这家公司支付一切费用,你给我报销。他同意了这个安排。懂吗?所以一旦我们签约,我的第一个客户是日本 Costco,然后我们将成立 Powa Technologies KK。但是……但那从未发生过……Powa 倒闭了。” |
[Commentary]: | [Estrada is lying. MPayMe set up it’s own Japanese KK companies, and used them for business. When Powa acquired MPayMe, it inherited those companies and used them going forward.] | [评注]: | [Estrada 在撒谎。MPayMe 成立了自己的日本 KK 公司,并利用它们开展业务。当 Powa 收购 MPayMe 时,它继承了这些公司并继续使用它们。] |
Interviewer: | “So you lost your money?” | 采访人: | “所以你输掉了你的钱?” |
Estrada: | “I lost everything. And then – wait, it get even worse – so then after Powa went under … so there was another company called Mozido … “ | Estrada: | “我失去了一切。然后——等等,情况变得更糟——所以在 Powa 倒闭之后……所以还有另一家公司叫 Mozido……” |
[Commentary]: | Estrada didn’t lose any money when Powa went into administration. In fact, Estrada set up Powa’s Japanese bank accounts and those accounts were receiving fees from Costco Japan – a Powa Technologies client. When Powa went into administration, Estrada had signing authority for Powa’s Japanese bank accounts – he took the money that was in there for himself. About US $250,000 | [评注]: | 当 Powa 被接管时,Estrada 没有损失一分钱。事实上,Estrada 开设了 Powa 在日本的银行账户,而这些账户从日本 Costco(一个 Powa Technologies 的客户)收取费用。当 Powa 被接管时,Estrada 拥有 Powa 日本银行账户的签字权——他自己把里面的钱拿走。约 250,000 美元 |
Interviewer: | “In which country?” | 采访人: | “在哪个国家?” |
Estrada: | “US. M-O-Z-I-D-O. Mozido. It’s an Austin, Texas based company right? And so, what Mozido and Powa Technologies were, they were both managed by Wellington Management … the investment arm. And so, Alex says “look hang tight, Mozido’s going to take over…” | Estrada: | “美国。M-O-Z-I-D-O。Mozido。它是一家总部位于德克萨斯州奥斯汀的公司,对吗?所以,Mozido 和 Powa Technologies 是什么,它们都是由 Wellington Management 管理的……投资部门。所以,Alex 说,“你看,要坚持住,Mozido 要接管……” |
Interviewer: | “When you say Powa Technologies … [unintelligible]” | 采访人: | “当你说 Powa Technologies 时……[无法理解]” |
Estrada: | “I think if you look at the Wikipedia you can see the … how they lost the investment. Yeah, look at that – February 19th 2016 went into administration. OK?” | Estrada: | “我认为,如果你查看维基百科,你会看到……他们是如何丢掉投资的。是的,看看那个——2016 年 2 月 19 日被接管。懂吗?” |
Interviewer: | “But they’re still… “ | 采访人: | “可是他们仍然……” |
Estrada: | “Oh no, they’re dead.” | Estrada: | “哦不,他们死了。” |
Interviewer: | “Really?” | 采访人: | “真的?” |
Estrada: | “Oh yeah, for sure. There’s all kinds of lawsuits around that.” | Estrada: | “哦,是的,当然。有各种各样的诉讼。” |
Interviewer: | “Basically because of this incident you lost the money…” | 采访人: | “主要是因为这件事,你赔了钱……” |
Estrada: | “Correct” | Estrada: | “正确” |
[Commentary]: | Not correct. MPayMe, Powa, and Mozido have NOTHING to do with EZeeBUY or JPortal KK. Estrada is just trying to spin a story to justify why he embezzled the money that the 9 co-founders gave him. | [评注]: | 不正确。MPayMe、Powa 和 Mozido 与 EZeeBUY 或 JPortal KK 没有任何关系。Estrada 只是想编造一个故事来为他贪污 9 位联合创始人给他的钱找理由。 |
Interviewer: | …and then you started this company. | 采访人: | ……然后你创办了这家公司。 |
Estrada: | “Yep! ICO.” | Estrada: | “是的!ICO。” |
Interviewer: | “And … 9 people, they gave you the 2 million Yen each.” | 采访人: | “还有……9个人,每人给了你200万日元。” |
Estrada: | “Correct” | Estrada: | “正确的” |
Interviewer: | “And then you received those monies into the previous company’s account?” | 采访人: | “然后你把那些钱收进了之前公司的账户?” |
Estrada: | “Correct. Because this was not established yet, right? “ | Estrada: | “正确。因为这还没有建立,对吧?” |
Interviewer: | “Yeah, I know.” | 采访人: | “是的,我知道。” |
[Commentary]: | Estrada actually tells the truth here. 9 co-founders invested 2 million Yen each into EZeeBUY, and wired their money to a JPortal KK bank account. What Estrada fails to mention – which the Japanese police discovered – is that shortly after each co-founder wired in his investment, Estrada visited the bank branch and withdrew the money IN CASH. | [评注]: | Estrada 在这里说的是实话。9 位联合创始人每人向 EZeeBUY 投资了 200 万日元,并将资金汇入 JPortal KK 银行账户。埃Estrada 没有提到的是(日本警方发现这一点的),在每位联合创始人给他汇去投资资金后不久,Estrada 就去了银行网点,以现金形式提走了资金。 |
Estrada: | “OK” | Estrada: | “好的” |
Interviewer: | “… and then you paid back these debts? “ | 采访人: | “……然后你还了这些债?” |
Estrada: | “Correct” | Estrada: | “正确的” |
Interviewer: | “By using that money?” | 采访人: | “用那笔钱?” |
Estrada: | “Correct” | Estrada: | “对的” |
Interviewer: | “Did those people know that you were going to use… “ | 采访人: | “那些人知不知道你要用……” |
Estrada: | “No” | Estrada: | “不” |
Interviewer: | Right. So that was the problem, right? Yeah. Did you tell that to the police? No? | 采访人: | 对的。所以这就是问题所在,对吧?是的。你告诉警察了吗?没有? |
[Commentary]: | There is NO EVIDENCE that Estrada used the money to pay previous debts of JPortal KK. In fact, we have no idea what he used the money for. The fact that he withdrew the money IN CASH from the bank would lead one to believe he also spent it in the form of cash. On what, we have NO idea.] | [评注]: | 没有证据表明 Estrada 用这笔钱偿还了 JPortal KK 之前的债务。事实上,我们不知道他用这笔钱做了什么。他从银行提取现金这一点,让人们相信他也以现金的形式花掉了这笔钱。花在了哪里,我们就不知道了。] |
Estrada: | “Yeah, of course. Through the translation.” | Estrada: | “是的,当然。通过翻译。” |
Interviewer: | “You told the police that you were going to use this money for your own debt?” | 采访人: | “你跟警察说你要用这笔钱还债?” |
Estrada: | “You know, to be honest I think the police was more interested in, like … he kept repeating “is there a contract where you have to give the money back?” … and I’m like … and so the lady would translate, and I was like “what do you mean contract?” I said, “these are investors … technically there is no contract that says you have to give their money back.” But he kept repeating that. So I said “OK, OK … so I’ll call Sato-san and settle this” | Estrada: | “你知道,老实说,我认为警方更感兴趣的是,比如……他一直在重复‘是否有合同规定你必须退还钱?” ……我说……所以那位女士会翻译,我说“你讲的合同是什么意思?”我说,“这些是投资者……从技术上讲,没有合同规定你必须退还他们的钱。”但他一直在重复这件事。所以我说“好吧,好吧……所以我会打电话给佐藤先生并解决这个问题” |
Interviewer: | “Ah, that’s what you told HIM?” | 采访人: | “啊,这就是你告诉他的?” |
Estrada: | “Yes” | Estrada: | “是的” |
Interviewer: | “Oh, I see. Yeah, basically, that’s the problem. Like, if we go to court then that’s the main problem … what really matters. What you did with the money.” | 采访人: | “哦,我明白了。是的,基本上,这就是问题所在。比如,如果我们上法庭,那就是主要问题……真正重要的是。你用钱做了什么。” |
Estrada: | “M-hmmm … “ | Estrada: | “嗯嗯……” |
Interviewer: | “… and how you explained to these people what you were going to do with the money.” | 采访人: | “……以及你如何向这些人解释你打算用这笔钱做什么。” |
Estrada: | “Of course.” | Estrada: | “当然。” |
Interviewer: | “But it’s OK, it’s totally confidential … as long as we settle it’s OK.” | 采访人: | “但没关系,这是完全保密的……只要我们解决了,就可以了。” |
Estrada: | “Yep!” | Estrada: | “是的!” |
Interviewer: | “OK … so, OK. You transferred the money to the US, didn’t you?” | 采访人: | “好吧……那么,好吧。你把钱转到美国了,是吗?” |
Estrada: | “Yes!” | Estrada: | “是的!” |
[Commentary]: | There is no evidence that Estrada transferred the money to the US. Remember, he withdrew the investments from the bank in cash. | [评注]: | 没有证据表明 Estrada 将钱转移到了美国。请记住,他以现金形式从银行取出了投资的钱。 |
Interviewer: | “Right. Why is that? Like, was the debt you had to pay in the US?” | 采访人: | “对。这是为什么呢?比如,是你在美国必须偿还的债务吗?” |
Estrada: | “US Credit Cards” | Estrada: | “美国信用卡” |
Interviewer: | “Oh … you had the pay the US Credit Cards?” | 采访人: | “哦……你用美国信用卡付款?” |
Estrada: | “Yes” | Estrada: | “是的” |
Interviewer: | “I see” | 采访人: | “我懂了” |
Estrada: | “And the police seized [sees?] all those transactions?” | Estrada: | “警察没收了[看到了?]所有这些交易?” |
Interviewer: | “I see … I see. And you never told this to any of your investors? That you were actually paying off your credit cards…?” | 采访人: | “我明白了……我明白了。你从来没有告诉过你的任何投资者吗?你实际上是在还清你的信用卡……?” |
Estrada: | “No … No” | Estrada: | “没有……没有” |
[Commentary]: | Of course not! The investors believed their capital was being used to fund the operations of EZeeBUY! | [评注]: | 当然不是!投资者认为他们的资金被用在了 EZeeBUY 的运营上! |
Interviewer: | “I see. These are your personal expenses?” | 采访人: | “我明白了。这些是你的个人开支?” |
Estrada: | “Well, the thing is with modern technology, everything is done through credit cards, right?” | Estrada: | “嗯,情况是,有着现代的技术,一切都是通过信用卡完成的,对吧?” |
Interviewer: | “I know, yeah.” | 采访人: | “我知道,是的。” |
Estrada: | “Yeah, so I don’t have corporate credit cards if that’s what your question is.” | Estrada: | “是的,如果你是问这个的话,那么我没有公司信用卡。” |
Interviewer: | “No, what did you use this money for? Like, you know, the credit card bills for what? Your daily expenses or… “ | 采访人: | “不,你用这笔钱做什么?比如,信用卡账单都是什么方面的消费?你的日常开支还是……” |
Estrada: | “Yeah, I mean just for travel … I mean, it’s almost unlimited right?” | Estrada: | “是的,我是说,就是用来旅行……我的意思是,它几乎是无限制的,对吧?” |
[Commentary]: | “What does this even mean? Notice Estrada does not answer the question about what the credit cards bills were for. None of the expenses of EZeeBUY vendors/creditors were ever paid .. so the credit cards were certainly not used for EzeeBUY expenses.” | [评注]: | “这到底是什么意思?请注意,Estrada 没有回答有关信用卡账单用途的问题。EZeeBUY 供应商/债权人的任何费用都没有支付过……所以信用卡肯定没有用于 EzeeBUY 的开销。” |
Interviewer: | “I see. So at the time you were not using the money for this actual new company right?” | 采访人: | “我明白了。所以当时你并没有把钱用在这家新公司上,对吧?” |
Estrada: | “No … no.” | Estrada: | “没有……没有” |
[Commentary]: | This is Estrada’s confession. He admits that he did not use the money invested in EZeeBUY by the 9 co-founders for the company. Instead, he claims he transferred that money to the US, and paid his credit cards. There is no evidence this is true – we have no idea what he actually used the money for. | [评注]: | 这是 Estrada 的供词。他承认,他并没有使用 9 位联合创始人为该公司投资在 EZeeBUY 上的资金。相反,他声称他将这笔钱转移到美国,并支付了他的信用卡。没有证据表明这是真的——我们不知道他究竟用这些钱做了什么。 |
Interviewer: | “I see” | 采访人: | “我懂了” |
Estrada: | “I was paying down debt so I could CONTINUE operating this company, right?” | Estrada: | “我在偿还债务,这样我就可以继续经营这家公司,对吗?” |
Interviewer: | “But everyone, especially my clients were thinking that you either saved the money that investors paid, or you were using it for the company – that’s what they believed. So they … I think they repeatedly asked you to prove or provide some kind of financial document about the company, right?” | 采访人: | “但是每个人,尤其是我的客户,都认为要么你把投资者给的钱存了起来,要么你把钱用在了公司身上——他们就是这么认为的。所以他们……我认为他们一再要求你证明或是提供关于公司财务的文件,对吧?” |
Estrada: | “Right” | Estrada: | “对的” |
Interviewer: | “But you didn’t?” | 采访人: | “但你没有?” |
Estrada: | “I did not, because they … they wanted the financials for the previous KK” | Estrada: | “我没有,因为他们……他们想得到之前 KK 的财务报告” |
[Commentary]: | All the co-founders wanted to know was: (1) What was the money they provided used for? (2) How much of the money is left? (3) Where is the money located? Estrada never answered any of these simple questions. | [评注]: | 所有联合创始人想知道的是:(1)他们提供的钱用来做什么了? (2) 还剩下多少钱? (3) 钱在哪里?Estrada 从未回答过任何这些简单的问题。 |
Interviewer: | “No, they also wanted the new ones” | 采访人: | “不,他们也想要新的” |
Estrada: | “But there was nothing here yet.” | Estrada: | “但这里什么也没有。” |
Interviewer: | “So nothing was going on?” | 采访人: | “所以什么也没发生?” |
Estrada: | “No, unfortunately because the ICO did not launch” | Estrada: | “是的,不幸的是,因为 ICO 没有启动” |
Interviewer: | “Oh, I see” | 采访人: | “哦,我明白了” |
[Commentary]: | Let’s be clear: Co-founders invested 18 million Yen (plus expenses) into EZeeBUY. Estrada spent that money on something other than company business. Estrada admits this later in the conversation. The ICO was to raise FURTHER funding for the company, and that fact that it failed has NOTHING TO DO with the issue at hand. Just Estrada trying to confuse the facts. | [评注]: | 让我们明确一点:联合创始人向 EZeeBUY 投资了 1800 万日元(加上费用)。Estrada 将这笔钱花在了公司业务以外的其他事情上。Estrada 后来在谈话中承认了这一点。ICO 的目的是为公司筹集更多的资金,而它的失败与当前的问题无关。Estrada 只是想混淆事实。 |
Estrada: | “Right?” | Estrada: | “对吗?” |
Interviewer: | “So those are the explanations? Those honest explanations … that’s what they needed at the beginning, I think.” | 采访人: | “所以这些就是解释?那些诚实的解释……那就是他们一开始需要的,我想。” |
Recording Transcript (Spanish)
Original | SP | SP | |
Overview: The below content is a transcription of David Eric Estrada (aka David E. Estrada, David Estrada) CEO of EzeeBUY (aka EzeeBUY Experiences, EzeeRetail and NZO Technologies) as he describes in his own words how he stole money from EzeeBUY founders to pay off his personal debts, including travel and other personal items. Estrada also lied, saying a prior employer (Scansoft) used David’s Japan company for work, but actually Scansoft had their own KK so they never used Estrada’s KK. Moreover, they fired David. Estrada never “lost the deal with Scansoft”…he was fired. Moreover, Estrada tries to conflate his prior failed business ventures (Scansoft, MPayme, Powa, etc.) with JPortal; however Jportal had no direct relationship to these firms. They all had their own independent companies in Japan. | Sumario. El contenido que se encuentra a continuación, es una transcripción en la que David Eric Estrada (también conocido como David E. Estrada o David Estrada), Director ejecutivo de EzeeBUY (también conocida como EzeeBUY Experiences, EzeeRetail y NZO Technologies); describe, en sus propias palabras, cómo robó dinero a los fundadores de EzeeBUY, para pagar sus deudas personales, incluyendo viajes y otros artículos de uso personal. Estrada también mintió cuando dijo que un antiguo empleador (Scansoft) usó la compañía japonesa de David para operar, mientras que, en realidad, Scansoft tenía su propia sociedad accionista japonesa, de modo que ellos nunca usaron la de Estrada. Lo que es más, ellos despidieron a David. Estrada nunca “perdió el negocio con Scansoft”… él fue despedido. Además, está intentando mezclar sus anteriores fracasos en proyectos de negocios (Scansoft, MPayme, Powa, etc.) con JPortal, sin importar que JPortal no ha tenido relación directa con estas firmas. Todas tuvieron sus propias compañías independientes en Japón. | ||
Estrada: | …”…the first company that I used this was with Scansoft. Because Scansoft did not have any legal registrations here in Japan so I could do contracting with this company. But I didn’t lose any money from Scansoft.” | Estrada: | …”…Scansoft fue la primer compañía con la que usé esto. Dado que, aquí en Japón, Scansoft no tenía ningún registro legal, así yo podría hacer contratos con esta compañía. Pero yo no perdí ningún dinero de Scansoft”. |
Interviewer: | “But” | Entrevistador: | “Pero” |
Estrada: | “But I didn’t lose any money from Scansoft because they paid their bills.” | Estrada: | “Pero, yo no hice perder dinero a Scansoft, porque ellos pagaban sus cuentas”. |
[Commentary]: | Estrada created a lie that he used JPortal KK to hold contracts on behalf of Scansoft. We checked with Scansoft, and this is not at all true. Scansoft had their own Japanese KK companies through which they did business. | [Comentario]: | Estrada creó una mentira, al decir que utilizó la sociedad accionista japonesa, JPortal, para hacer contratos a nombre de Scansoft. Verificamos con Scansoft, y esto es completamente falso. Scansoft tenía sus propias compañías de sociedad accionista en Japón, mediante las cuales hacía negocios. |
Interviewer: | “I see… So was this company actually making some money?” | Entrevistador: | “Entiendo… ¿entonces, esta compañía estaba, de hecho, ganando dinero? |
Estrada: | “Yes” | Estrada: | “Sí” |
Interviewer: | “But why did you have to shut this down?” | Entrevistador: | “¿Por qué tuviste que cerrarla, entonces?” |
Estrada: | “Because I … I lost the deal with Scansoft.” | Estrada: | “Porque yo… perdí el negocio con Scansoft”. |
Interviewer: | You Lost…? I see… | Entrevistador: | ¿Perdiste…? Entiendo… |
[Commentary]: | Estrada never shut down JPortal KK when he left Scansoft. In fact, he was fired from Scansoft. Estrada is trying to spin a story that previous companies he worked for – Scansoft, MPayMe, Powa and Mozido – used his JPortal KK company to rack up bills, and those bills were never paid. So he had to use the money that co-founders invested in EZeeBUY to pay those previous bills. The only problem is NONE OF THIS IS TRUE. Those companies all had their own Japanese KK’s and never used Estrada’s company for anything.] | [Comentario]: | Cuando abandonó Scansoft, Estrada nunca cerró la sociedad accionista japonesa, JPortal. De hecho, él fue despedido de Scansoft. Estrada está intentando tejer la narrativa de que las compañías para las que trabajó antes -Scansoft, MpayMe, Powa y Mozido- usaron su compañía accionista japonesa, JPortal, para acumular más cobros y que dichos cobros nunca fueron pagados. De manera que tuvo que utilizar el dinero que los cofundadores invirtieron en EZeeBUY para pagar las deudas que se contrajeron. El único problema es que NADA DE ESTO ES CIERTO. Todas esas compañías tenían sus propias sociedades accionistas japonesas y nunca utilizaron la compañía de Estrada para ningún fin]. |
Estrada: | We didn’t renew the contract. | Estrada: | No renovamos el contrato. |
Interviewer: | “OK. So basically these 2 … 20 million Yen debt is nothing to do with JPortal KK right?” | Entrevistador: | “Bien. ¿Entonces, básicamente, esta deuda de 2… 20 millones de yenes no tiene ninguna relación con JPortal, sociedad accionista japonesa, correcto?” |
Estrada: | “Has everything to do with them.” | Estrada: | “Tiene que ver todo con ellos”. |
Interviewer: | “Why is that? Like, this is the Scansoft company that you were running… “ | Entrevistador: | “¿Cómo es posible? Es decir, esta es la compañía de Scansoft que estabas presidiendo…” |
Estrada: | “Correct” | Estrada: | “Correcto” |
Interviewer: | “… and you invested … [unintelligible] this 20 million Yen into …” | Entrevistador: | “… y tu invertiste… [ininteligible] estos 20 millones de yenes en…” |
Estrada: | “Paying the bills, right?” | Estrada: | “Pagar las deudas, ¿no es así?” |
Interviewer: | “Paying the bills for this company? Or …” | Entrevistador: | “¿Pagar las deudas a nombre de esta compañía? O…” |
Estrada: | “Oh, no, no, no …” | Estrada: | “¡Ah! No, no, no…” |
Interviewer: | “What happened then?” | Entrevistador: | “¿Qué pasó después?” |
Estrada: | “So … so think of it like this, right. So Powa Technologies … you know … this is when, when Alex asked me to open up the …” | Estrada: | “Bueno… imagínatelo de este modo, ¿sí? Así que Powa Technologies… ya sabes… esto sucedió cuando, cuando Alex me pidió que abriera la…” |
Interviewer: | “Who is that, Alex?” | Entrevistador: | “¿Quién es esta persona, Alex?” |
Estrada: | “Alex my boss. He was the founder of MPayMe. So when Alex asked me to start doing the business here in Japan, I said look you’re going to need a KK … no one is going to do any contracting. But I knew I had this one. I said if you’re OK, we can contract with JPortal Kabushki Gaisha. But I’m going to expense everything through this company and you reimburse me. And he agreed to that arrangement. OK? So once we signed up my first customer which was Costco Japan, then we’re going to set up Powa Technologies KK. But that … but that never happened … Powa went under.” | Estrada: | “Alex, mi jefe. Él fue el fundador de MPayMe. Entonces, cuando Alex me pide que empiece a hacer negocios aquí en Japón, le dije ‘mira vas a necesitar una sociedad accionista japonesa (K.K., por sus siglas en japonés)… o nadie va a hacer contratos’. Pero, yo sabía que yo tenía una. Dije, ‘si tú estás de acuerdo, podemos hacer contrataciones vía JPortal Kabushiki Gaisha. Pero, a través de esta compañía, yo voy a tener que cargar con los gastos de todo y tú me reembolsas después’. Y él aceptó el trato. ¿OK? Entonces, una vez que firmamos a mi primer cliente, el cual fue Costco, Japón, ahora vamos a establecer Powa Technologies, sociedad accionista japonesa. Pero, eso… pero, eso nunca ocurrió… Powa desapareció”. |
[Commentary]: | [Estrada is lying. MPayMe set up it’s own Japanese KK companies, and used them for business. When Powa acquired MPayMe, it inherited those companies and used them going forward.] | [Comentario]: | [Estrada miente. MPayMe estableció sus propias compañías accionistas japonesas, empleándolas para hacer negocios. Cuando Powa adquirió MPayMe, heredó dichas compañías y las usó para continuar operando]. |
Interviewer: | “So you lost your money?” | Entrevistador: | “¿Entonces, perdiste tu dinero?” |
Estrada: | “I lost everything. And then – wait, it get even worse – so then after Powa went under … so there was another company called Mozido … “ | Estrada: | “Lo perdí todo. Y luego, espera porque la cosa empeora, luego Powa desapareció… y había otra compañía, de nombre Mozido…” |
[Commentary]: | Estrada didn’t lose any money when Powa went into administration. In fact, Estrada set up Powa’s Japanese bank accounts and those accounts were receiving fees from Costco Japan – a Powa Technologies client. When Powa went into administration, Estrada had signing authority for Powa’s Japanese bank accounts – he took the money that was in there for himself. About US $250,000 | [Comentario]: | Estrada no perdió dinero cuando Powa se fue a la quiebra. De hecho, Estrada abrió las cuentas bancarias de Powa en bancos de Japón y esas cuentas estaban recibiendo pagos de Costco, Japón, un cliente de Powa Technologies. Cuando Powa se fue a la quiebra, Estrada estaba autorizado para firmar en la cuentas bancarias japonesas de Powa: él se apropió del dinero que había ahí, cerca de US$ 250,000. |
Interviewer: | “In which country?” | Entrevistador: | ¿En qué país? |
Estrada: | “US. M-O-Z-I-D-O. Mozido. It’s an Austin, Texas based company right? And so, what Mozido and Powa Technologies were, they were both managed by Wellington Management … the investment arm. And so, Alex says “look hang tight, Mozido’s going to take over…” | Estrada: | “Estados Unidos. M-O-Z-I-D-O. Mozido. Es una compañía que tiene su sede en Austin, Texas, ¿correcto? Entonces, Mozido y Powa Technologies, ambas, eran administradas por Wellington Management… el brazo inversor. Y así, Alex dice, “mira, prepárate, porque Mozido va a tomar el mando…” |
Interviewer: | “When you say Powa Technologies … [unintelligible]” | Entrevistador: | “Cuando te refieres a Powa Technologies… [ininteligible]” |
Estrada: | “I think if you look at the Wikipedia you can see the … how they lost the investment. Yeah, look at that – February 19th 2016 went into administration. OK?” | Estrada: | “Creo que si lees el artículo de la Wikipedia podrás ver que… cómo perdieron la inversión. Sí, revísalo: el 19 de febrero de 2016 se fue a la bancarrota, ¿no es así?” |
Interviewer: | “But they’re still… “ | Entrevistador: | “Pero todavía están…” |
Estrada: | “Oh no, they’re dead.” | Estrada: | “Ah, no, están muertos”. |
Interviewer: | “Really?” | Entrevistador: | “¿En serio?” |
Estrada: | “Oh yeah, for sure. There’s all kinds of lawsuits around that.” | Estrada: | “Claro que sí, seguro. Hay toda clase de demandas en torno a ese asunto”. |
Interviewer: | “Basically because of this incident you lost the money…” | Entrevistador: | “En resumidas cuentas, perdiste el dinero debido a este incidente”. |
Estrada: | “Correct” | Estrada: | “Correcto” |
[Commentary]: | Not correct. MPayMe, Powa, and Mozido have NOTHING to do with EZeeBUY or JPortal KK. Estrada is just trying to spin a story to justify why he embezzled the money that the 9 co-founders gave him. | [Comentario]: | Incorrecto. MPayMe, Powa y Mozido no tienen NINGUNA relación con EZeeBUY o JPortal, sociedad accionista japonesa. Lo único que Estrada está haciendo, es el intento de tejer una historia que justifique por qué malversó los fondos que los 9 cofundadores le dieron. |
Interviewer: | …and then you started this company. | Entrevistador: | … y entonces empezaste esta compañía. |
Estrada: | “Yep! ICO.” | Estrada: | “¡Sí!, mediante Oferta inicial de moneda (ICO, por sus siglas en inglés) |
Interviewer: | “And … 9 people, they gave you the 2 million Yen each.” | Entrevistador: | “Y… 9 personas te dieron 2 millones de yenes cada una”. |
Estrada: | “Correct” | Estrada: | “Así es” |
Interviewer: | “And then you received those monies into the previous company’s account?” | Entrevistador: | “¿Y luego, recibiste esos fondos en la cuenta de la compañía anterior?” |
Estrada: | “Correct. Because this was not established yet, right? “ | Estrada: | “Correcto. Porque ésta todavía no estaba establecida, ¿sí?” |
Interviewer: | “Yeah, I know.” | Entrevistador: | “Sí, lo sé”. |
[Commentary]: | Estrada actually tells the truth here. 9 co-founders invested 2 million Yen each into EZeeBUY, and wired their money to a JPortal KK bank account. What Estrada fails to mention – which the Japanese police discovered – is that shortly after each co-founder wired in his investment, Estrada visited the bank branch and withdrew the money IN CASH. | [Comentario]: | Estrada, realmente, está diciendo la verdad, en esta parte. 9 cofundadores invirtieron, cada uno, 2 millones de yenes en EZeeBUY y transfirieron su dinero a una cuenta bancaria de JPortal, sociedad accionista japonesa. Lo que Estrada omite mencionar (cosa que descubrió la policía de Japón) es que, al poco tiempo de que cada cofundador transfiriera el monto de su inversión, Estrada hizo una visita a la sucursal del banco y retiró el dinero, EN EFECTIVO. |
Estrada: | “OK” | Estrada: | “OK” |
Interviewer: | “… and then you paid back these debts? “ | Entrevistador: | “… ¿y, entonces, tú pagaste estas deudas?” |
Estrada: | “Correct” | Estrada: | “Correcto” |
Interviewer: | “By using that money?” | Entrevistador: | “¿Usando ese dinero?” |
Estrada: | “Correct” | Estrada: | “En efecto” |
Interviewer: | “Did those people know that you were going to use… “ | Entrevistador: | “¿Esas personas sabían que ibas a usar…?” |
Estrada: | “No” | Estrada: | “No” |
Interviewer: | Right. So that was the problem, right? Yeah. Did you tell that to the police? No? | Entrevistador: | Bien. Entonces, ese fue el problema, ¿correcto? Sí ¿Le contaste eso a la policía? ¿No? |
[Commentary]: | There is NO EVIDENCE that Estrada used the money to pay previous debts of JPortal KK. In fact, we have no idea what he used the money for. The fact that he withdrew the money IN CASH from the bank would lead one to believe he also spent it in the form of cash. On what, we have NO idea.] | [Comentario]: | NO HAY EVIDENCIA de que Estrada usara el dinero para pagar deudas anteriores de JPortal, sociedad accionista japonesa. No sabemos con certeza para qué usó ese dinero. El hecho de que haya retirado del banco el dinero EN EFECTIVO, haría pensar a cualquiera que gastó, asimismo, ese dinero en la forma de papel moneda. En qué, NO tenemos ni la más mínima idea]. |
Estrada: | “Yeah, of course. Through the translation.” | Estrada: | “Sí, por supuesto. Por medio de la traducción”. |
Interviewer: | “You told the police that you were going to use this money for your own debt?” | Entrevistador: | “¿Le dijiste a la policía que ibas a usar este dinero para saldar tu propia deuda?” |
Estrada: | “You know, to be honest I think the police was more interested in, like … he kept repeating “is there a contract where you have to give the money back?” … and I’m like … and so the lady would translate, and I was like “what do you mean contract?” I said, “these are investors … technically there is no contract that says you have to give their money back.” But he kept repeating that. So I said “OK, OK … so I’ll call Sato-san and settle this” | Estrada: | “Sabes, para serte honesto, pienso que a la policía le interesaba más, que… él seguía repitiendo que, “¿hay un contrato que especifique que tengas que devolver el dinero?”… y yo me quedo como… y entonces la señorita hacía la traducción, y yo le decía algo así como, “¿qué quieres decir con ‘un contrato’?” Dije: “estos son inversionistas… técnicamente, no existe un contrato que diga que tienes que devolverles su dinero”. Pero, él seguía repitiendo eso. Así que, le respondí: “muy bien, muy bien… entonces le llamo a Sato san y arreglamos esto” |
Interviewer: | “Ah, that’s what you told HIM?” | Entrevistador: | “¡Ah! ¿Y eso fue lo que le dijiste a ÉL?” |
Estrada: | “Yes” | Estrada: | “Sí” |
Interviewer: | “Oh, I see. Yeah, basically, that’s the problem. Like, if we go to court then that’s the main problem … what really matters. What you did with the money.” | Entrevistador: | “Ah, ya veo. Sí, a grandes rasgos, ese es el problema. Es decir, si vamos a juicio, entonces, ese es el principal problema… lo que de verdad importa. Lo que hiciste con el dinero”. |
Estrada: | “M-hmmm … “ | Estrada: | “M-hmmm…” |
Interviewer: | “… and how you explained to these people what you were going to do with the money.” | Entrevistador: | “… y cómo le explicaste a estas personas lo que ibas a hacer con el dinero”. |
Estrada: | “Of course.” | Estrada: | “Por supuesto”. |
Interviewer: | “But it’s OK, it’s totally confidential … as long as we settle it’s OK.” | Entrevistador: | “Pero, está bien, es totalmente confidencial… mientras podamos llegar a un acuerdo, está bien”. |
Estrada: | “Yep!” | Estrada: | “¡Seguro!” |
Interviewer: | “OK … so, OK. You transferred the money to the US, didn’t you?” | Entrevistador: | “De acuerdo… entonces, de acuerdo. Transferiste el dinero a los Estados Unidos, ¿no es así?” |
Estrada: | “Yes!” | Estrada: | “¡Sí! |
[Commentary]: | There is no evidence that Estrada transferred the money to the US. Remember, he withdrew the investments from the bank in cash. | [Comentario]: | No hay evidencia de que Estrada transfiriera el dinero a los Estados Unidos. Recordemos que él retiró del banco las inversiones en efectivo. |
Interviewer: | “Right. Why is that? Like, was the debt you had to pay in the US?” | Entrevistador: | “Bien. ¿Por qué lo hiciste? Es decir, ¿la deuda que tenías que pagar, la tenías en los Estados Unidos?” |
Estrada: | “US Credit Cards” | Estrada: | “En tarjetas de crédito de los Estados Unidos” |
Interviewer: | “Oh … you had the pay the US Credit Cards?” | Entrevistador: | “Ah… ¿tenías que pagar las tarjetas de crédito estadounidenses? |
Estrada: | “Yes” | Estrada: | “Sí” |
Interviewer: | “I see” | Entrevistador: | “Comprendo” |
Estrada: | “And the police seized [sees?] all those transactions?” | Estrada: | “¿Y la policía congeló [¿observó?] todas estas transacciones?” |
Interviewer: | “I see … I see. And you never told this to any of your investors? That you were actually paying off your credit cards…?” | Entrevistador: | “Entiendo… entiendo. ¿Y nunca le comentaste nada de esto a ninguno de tus inversores, que, en realidad, estabas pagando tus tarjetas de crédito…? |
Estrada: | “No … No” | Estrada: | “No… no” |
[Commentary]: | Of course not! The investors believed their capital was being used to fund the operations of EZeeBUY! | [Comentario]: | ¡Claro que no! ¡Los inversores creían que su capital estaba siendo usado para financiar las operaciones de EZeeBUY! |
Interviewer: | “I see. These are your personal expenses?” | Entrevistador: | “Comprendo. ¿Estos son tus gastos personales?” |
Estrada: | “Well, the thing is with modern technology, everything is done through credit cards, right?” | Estrada: | “Bueno, la cuestión es que con la tecnología moderna, todo se hace por medio de tarjetas de crédito, ¿no es así?” |
Interviewer: | “I know, yeah.” | Entrevistador: | “Sí, lo sé”. |
Estrada: | “Yeah, so I don’t have corporate credit cards if that’s what your question is.” | Estrada: | “Sí, pues resulta que no tengo tarjetas de crédito corporativas, si eso es a lo que se refiere tu pregunta”. |
Interviewer: | “No, what did you use this money for? Like, you know, the credit card bills for what? Your daily expenses or… “ | Entrevistador: | “No. ¿Para qué usaste este dinero? Es decir, tú sabes, todas esas deudas en las tarjetas de crédito, ¿para qué? Tus gastos diarios o…” |
Estrada: | “Yeah, I mean just for travel … I mean, it’s almost unlimited right?” | Estrada: | “Sí, es decir, solamente para viajar… quiero decir, casi no tiene límites, ¿no es así?” |
[Commentary]: | “What does this even mean? Notice Estrada does not answer the question about what the credit cards bills were for. None of the expenses of EZeeBUY vendors/creditors were ever paid .. so the credit cards were certainly not used for EzeeBUY expenses.” | [Comentario]: | “¿Pero qué puede significar esto? Nótese que Estrada no responde la pregunta, acerca de para qué eran los pagos de las tarjetas de crédito. Ningún gasto generado por EZeeBUY fue pagado a los vendedores y/o acreedores… de manera que es lícito decir, con seguridad, que las tarjetas de crédito no fueron usadas para cubrir gastos de EzeeBUY”. |
Interviewer: | “I see. So at the time you were not using the money for this actual new company right?” | Entrevistador: | “Comprendo. Entonces, en ese momento, no estabas usando el dinero para esta compañía recién fundada, ¿no es así?” |
Estrada: | “No … no.” | Estrada: | “No… no” |
[Commentary]: | This is Estrada’s confession. He admits that he did not use the money invested in EZeeBUY by the 9 co-founders for the company. Instead, he claims he transferred that money to the US, and paid his credit cards. There is no evidence this is true – we have no idea what he actually used the money for. | [Comentario]: | Ésta es la confesión de Estrada. Él admite no haber utilizado en EZeeBUY el dinero invertido por los 9 cofundadores para la compañía. En vez de eso, asegura que transfirió ese dinero a los Estados Unidos, y que pagó sus tarjetas de crédito. No hay evidencia de que tal cosa sea cierta: no sabemos para qué uso el dinero en realidad. |
Interviewer: | “I see” | Entrevistador: | “Ya veo” |
Estrada: | “I was paying down debt so I could CONTINUE operating this company, right?” | Estrada: | “Estaba liquidando deuda, de manera que pudiera CONTINUAR con la operación de esta compañía, ¿sí?” |
Interviewer: | “But everyone, especially my clients were thinking that you either saved the money that investors paid, or you were using it for the company – that’s what they believed. So they … I think they repeatedly asked you to prove or provide some kind of financial document about the company, right?” | Entrevistador: | “Pero todo el mundo, y en especial mis clientes, pensaba que tú o habías guardado el dinero que los inversionistas pagaron, o que lo estabas empleando para la compañía; eso era lo que ellos pensaban. De modo que ellos… yo creo que ellos, en repetidas ocasiones, te pidieron que ofrecieras pruebas o mostraras algún tipo de documento financiero relacionado con la compañía, ¿es correcto?” |
Estrada: | “Right” | Estrada: | “Efectivamente” |
Interviewer: | “But you didn’t?” | Entrevistador: | “¿Pero, no lo hiciste?” |
Estrada: | “I did not, because they … they wanted the financials for the previous KK” | Estrada: | “No lo hice, porque ellos… ellos querían los estados financieros de la anterior sociedad accionista japonesa”. |
[Commentary]: | All the co-founders wanted to know was: (1) What was the money they provided used for? (2) How much of the money is left? (3) Where is the money located? Estrada never answered any of these simple questions. | [Comentario]: | Todo lo que los cofundadores querían saber era: (1) ¿Para qué fue usado el dinero que aportaron? (2) ¿Cuánto resta de ese dinero? (3) ¿En dónde está ubicado ese dinero? Estrada nunca respondió a ninguna de estas sencillas preguntas. |
Interviewer: | “No, they also wanted the new ones” | Entrevistador: | “No, también querían los nuevos” |
Estrada: | “But there was nothing here yet.” | Estrada: | “Pero, aún no se había generado ninguno”. |
Interviewer: | “So nothing was going on?” | Entrevistador: | “¿Entonces, nada estaba ocurriendo?” |
Estrada: | “No, unfortunately because the ICO did not launch” | Estrada: | “Desafortunadamente, no, porque la Oferta inicial de moneda (la ICO) no se lanzó” |
Interviewer: | “Oh, I see” | Entrevistador: | “Ah, entiendo” |
[Commentary]: | Let’s be clear: Co-founders invested 18 million Yen (plus expenses) into EZeeBUY. Estrada spent that money on something other than company business. Estrada admits this later in the conversation. The ICO was to raise FURTHER funding for the company, and that fact that it failed has NOTHING TO DO with the issue at hand. Just Estrada trying to confuse the facts. | [Comentario]: | Pongamos algo en claro: los cofundadores invirtieron 18 millones de yenes (más gastos) en EZeeBUY. Estrada gastó dicho dinero en algo ajeno a los negocios de la compañía. Estrada admite esto, más adelante en la conversación. La Oferta inicial de moneda tenía como finalidad recabar MAYORES fondos para la compañía, y el hecho de que fracasara NO TIENE RELACIÓN con el problema que se presenta ahora. Es, solamente, Estrada esforzándose en tergiversar los hechos. |
Estrada: | “Right?” | Estrada: | “¿Sí?” |
Interviewer: | “So those are the explanations? Those honest explanations … that’s what they needed at the beginning, I think.” | Entrevistador: | “¿De manera que esas son las explicaciones? Esas explicaciones sinceras… yo pienso que eso es lo que querían, desde el principio”. |