The EZeeBUY Victims – Original co-founders & Advisors

Following are all of the co-founders, investors, and employees defrauded by David Estrada from the EZeeBUY scam he ran in Jpaan:

This information can be found in the public domain, here.

As if that weren’t enough, Estrada also ripped off the owner of a local pizza restaurant (“Pizzakaya”) Derek Thomas.  Estrada took him for thousands of dollars in exchange for worthless EZ8 Tokens.  You can see an interview with Derek here, where he talks about his restaurant. 

Perpetrated by David Estrada

David Estrada has perpetrated numerous scams during his time in Japan (and also has a Criminal Record in the USA, prior to moving to Japan – see the Hall of Shame section for details).

This section will provide details of those scams (and his numerous lies) so that others are aware and will not be defrauded.

エストラーダ デイビッド氏が犯した詐欺行為
エストラーダ デイビッド氏は日本滞在中多数の詐欺事件を犯し、(それだけではなく、エストラーダ氏には、日本に来る前にアメリカ合衆国で起こした犯罪歴もあります。詳細は、Hall of Shameをご覧ください。)このセクションでは、これ以上エストラーダ氏による詐欺の被害を出さないために、これまでの犯罪行為(及び虚偽)の詳細を提供します。

The EZeeBUY Fraud

In Late 2017, David Estrada launched a startup in Tokyo, Japan called EZeeBUY.  He essentially took the idea from another startup being developed at the time called ZWOOP – launched by MPayMe founder and former Powa executive Alex Gadotti.  Later that same year, Estrada began to contact numerous individuals (friends, former business associates, and people he had recently met) to invite them to “invest” in a company he was founding called EZeeBUY.  The people whom he convinced to be involved (either as co-founders, investors, or advisors) can be seen here.  Each of the co-founders (and three of the advisors) invested 2 million Yen each for an equity share of the business.  David Estrada, the founder, told everyone that he invested 18 million Yen of his own money for 51% of the shares – but it was later discovered that he did not invest any money at all – the co-founders and advisors bore 100% of the risk.  Here is the shareholding cap table:

2017年エストラーダ氏は、スタートアップ企業であるEZeeBUYを立ち上げました。エストラーダ氏のEZeeBUYのコンセプトは、MPayMe創設者で前Powa幹部のガドッティ アレックス氏によって立ち上げられたZWOOPのビジネスをほぼまねたものでした。同年エストラーダ氏は、複数の友人、以前から付き合いのあるビジネス関係者及び知り合いなどに連絡をし、EZeeBUYへの投資の話を持ちかけました。エストラーダ氏の巧みな話術により、共同創設者、投資家及びアドバイザーとして数人がEZeeBUYへのビジネスに関与することになりました。(関与した人々のリストについては、こちらをご覧ください。)アドバイザーを含む共同創設者は、EZeeBUYの普通株に相当するおよそ200万円を各自自己負担しました。創設者であるエストラーダ氏は株の51%に値する1800万円を自ら投資したと話していましたが、実はエストラーダ氏の投資話は全くの嘘であったことが明らかになりました。これによって共同創設者及びアドバイザーは、100%のリスクを事前の告知なしに担うことになりました。ここに出資者資本を表すデータを表示します:

After working diligently to launch and grow the business for nearly a year (without pay, and funding their own expenses) the co-founders began to realize that Estrada was not running the business in a way that was honest and transparent.  One of the advisors who was working within the business on virtually a day-to-day basis, provided this summary:


The Founder actively engages in identity fraud at EZeeBUY. 

He uses fabricated names/identities to communicate and negotiate with potential partners, misleading them to believe they are corresponding with 3rd party accountants and lawyers. We have evidence he personally orchestrates and writes these communications and sends them out under fictitiously created names and email addresses.

EZeeBUY demonstrates no financial controls and has no financial visibility with co-founders/investors.  

The Founder refuses to share financial details (standard business financials such as burn rate, spend, funding, etc.) with EZeeBUY co-founders and investors. Investors have no idea where their money is, and have initiated legal action against the company’s founder.

The Founder has created fraudulent corporate documents. Through our due diligence, we have discovered numerous corporate documents with the FORGED SIGNATURES of investors, co-founders, and other unrelated parties.

EZeeBUY to date has not paid any of its suppliers/contractors as promised.  Our due diligence has revealed that none of the suppliers or contractors who have completed work for EZeeBUY have been paid as agreed – despite contracts clearly committing the company. Creditors include developers, fundraising services, office space providers, and former employees.  We estimate that the company has contractual obligations far in excess of the amount of total paid-in capital, and is likely insolvent.

The Founder misrepresents funding raised for EZeeBUY.  During our due diligence, we discovered pitch decks and video (from investor presentations) that claim EZeeBUY has raised US $1m from external investors. We have found no evidence that this is true. 

The Founder is using EZeeBUY to defraud investors.  We have been contacted by multiple investors who have invested either in the EZeeBUY company or EZ8 Tokens (cryptocurrency) and have been provided with NOTHING  in return.  It appears he has simply stolen their money.

The Founder’s LinkedIn profile states that he is located in San Francisco, when in fact he is located in Tokyo, Japan.  Additionally, the EZeeBUY website contains multiple job openings – our due diligence has revealed that none of these opportunities are genuine.






EZeeBUY及びEZ8 Tokens(仮想通貨)事業にお金を払った複数の投資家によると、彼らの投資に対して何の支払いも行われていません。彼らは、エストラーダ氏が投資したお金を盗んだと考えています。


Attempts to Raise Funds using False & Misleading Information

During the period of July-August of 2018, David Estrada and some of the EZeeBUY co-founders participated in an ICO roadshow organized by Priority Token.  Presentations to investors were made in the following cities:

2018年7月と8月、エストラーダ氏とEZeeBUYの共同創設者はPriority Tokenによって企画されたICOロードショーに参加し、EZeeBUYのビジネスについてプレゼンテーションをしました。このロードショーでは、ロンドン、シンガポール、クアラルンプール、ホーチミンそして香港を訪れました。

  • London
  • Singapore
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Ho Chi Minh City
  • Hong Kong

Information on the London event can be found here, and information about the Asian Tour can be found here.  Notice that EZeeBUY is listed as one of the ICO projects on the London page, evidencing Estrada’s participation.  One the Asian Tour page, scroll to the third photo from the top and you will see EZeeBUY projected on the screen, with David Estrada speaking at the front of the room.

During these presentations to investors, David Estrada presented a pitch deck to investors:  EZeeBUY Pitch Deck  (File is quite large, and may take some time to download) We STRONGLY RECOMMEND investors conduct a thorough Due Diligence , and specifically verify the following information in the deck:




  • Slide 5:  A number of items have the “TM” symbol, indicating they are trademarked. We would recommend verifying these trademarks actually exist, or have been applied for.
  • Slides 8-10:  A number of other terms contain the “TM” symbol – again, we recommend verifying these trademarks actually exist, or have been applied for.
  • Slide 11:  We recommend verifying that EZeeBUY has (or ever had) any contractual relationships with the companies listed. There is NO evidence of any agreements with Toys”R”Us, SoftBank or Rakuten.
  • Slide 12:  We recommend verifying the strategic partner engagements claimed with Toys”R”Us and Toys”R”Us Asia. The user projections are not based on any actual data.
  • Slide 13:  Numerous additional “new brand partners” are listed on this slide. EZeeBUY never had any agreements or even discussions with these brands.
  • Slide 16: We recommend verifying that EZeeBUY raised $890,000 in pre-ICO funding.  There is NO EVIDENCE that this is true.
  • Final Slide:  This slide contains contact details for David Estrada. We recommend you give him a call, and ask him to verify the “facts” stated in this pitch deck.

More info coming soon … stay tuned.

We’re just getting warmed up…
